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Australia has ‘some of the strongest outcomes’ from COVID measures: Hunt

Health Minister Greg Hunt says Australia's measures against COVID-19 have ensured "some of the strongest outcomes" of any nation. "The program that we put in place to protect Australians - borders, testing, tracing, distancing and the vaccination program has worked together through these rings of containment to give Australians some of the strongest outcomes of any nation in the world," Mr Hunt said during Question Time. "Of all the nations in the world, Australia, it is one of a few with a loss of life that is so limited - each life lost is to be deeply regretted but no nation is immune." He said, however, that "few nations have done better than Australia" which is "fundamentally important". "Now, as we face the latest news about the Omicron variant, we know that the very systems that were established on our watch, in our time, have been put in place immediately."

from Breaking National News and Australian News | Daily Telegraph


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