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Snap lockdowns have not uncovered cases which could not be found by contact tracers

Infectious diseases expert Professor Peter Collignon told Sky News snap lockdowns have so far not proven to uncover additional COVID cases which cannot be discovered through good contact tracing. “How extensive and you make these directions and for how long is always a bit arguable, even the value of a short lockdown,” he told Sky News. “As far as I can see, in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane when they tried it before, and … two episodes in Auckland, in none of those episodes has the short lockdown, I think, turned up any other cases that weren’t found by good contact tracing. “The real problem is we’ve got this problem for another year or even two years so if we lock down every time we have a case, for a few days or a week, I’m not sure that’s going to be sustainable. “The benefits from finding more cases which so far we haven’t, does that really outweigh the additional costs that are there?”

from Breaking National News and Australian News | Daily Telegraph


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