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Questions remain over Moselmane’s influence amid international espionage investigation

Senior Federal Labor MPs are questioning whether Shaoquett Moselmane is more “of a pawn or a player”, after the little-known MP faces allegations Chinese government operatives infiltrated his office. Australian Federal Police raided the home of the little-known MP on Friday as part of an ongoing investigation headed by counter-espionage agency ASIO. Mr Moselmane’s Labor membership has been suspended on Saturday amid the investigation into a possible breach of foreign interference laws. Sky News understands four senior NSW Labor MPs have lobbied NSW Opposition leader Jodi McKay to force him to resign from parliament amid the ongoing scandal. Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell said a senior Labor Federal told him it’s unlikely such a “lowly MP” could have had any influence over policy decisions. Mr Clennell said Mr Moselmane is not known for his policy acumen. “Moselmane is in parliament for two reasons. His ability to branch stack or recruit and his ability to fundraise,” he said. “Labor sources have told me that Ernest Wong, who has also featured in ICAC hearings around Chinese donations and was drummed out of parliament last election, was there to fundraise with the Chinese community and Moselmane with the Muslim community particularly in Sydney’s south where he used to recruit from a mosque.” "One if Moselmane’s Macquarie Street colleagues referred to him as a “dill” incapable of being any mastermind. "But such was Moselmane’s branch stacking power in the party, he was said to have assisted Bill Shorten beat Albanese with his numbers in the 2013 Labor leadership contest," he said. However, despite 11 years in parliament, Mr Moselmane has never been elevated to a frontbench position. Mr Clennell said Mr Moselmane coule be charged under the Federal Government’s Foreign Interference laws. “The Foreign Interference laws came into place in 2018,” Mr Clennell said. “There has not been a prosecution yet in relation to them, let’s see if there is one now. “Moselmane and his staffer do not have the influence that the China-friendly Sam Dastyari had, that’s for sure. “ Mr Dastyari resigned from the Senate in 2017 over his dealings with a controversial Chinese businessman.

from National | Daily Telegraph


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