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Racism ‘in the DNA of certain nations’

The United States is experiencing a repeat of the civil rights protests and the anti-war movement from the 1960s when about 25 cities burned – a response to deep-seated racism which public policy legislation could help remedy, RMIT University Professor Joe Siracusa says. “We have a perfect storm here: we have the denial of justice to a man who was killed in front of social media at a time of social claustrophobia from the pandemic,” he told Sky News. “This is about institutional racism. This is showing a lot of Americans things have to be done now. “You can’t make racism go away overnight, it might even be in the DNA of certain nations, but you can, of course, legislate public policy, you could legislate what the police can do and what they can’t do. “Every time a policeman kills somebody in custody, police unions complain that nothing should happen and the Supreme Court gives the police a little bit of leeway, and this is something that has to be dealt with in terms of legislation.” Image: AP

from World | Daily Telegraph


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