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Coronavirus restrictions ‘an extreme curtailment of civil liberties’

“Extreme” and “far-reaching” powers limiting people’s freedom so Australia can fend off the COVID-19 pandemic will shape the nation for years, the United States Studies Centre’s James Brown warns. “Decisions are being taken now that will shape our political, economic, welfare system and social system for decades to come,” he told Sky News. “If you look at the laws that were signed into effect in NSW last night, they are an extreme curtailment of civil liberties. “They basically mean that there can be no protests, there can be no gatherings. “People are willing to accept that as long as it’s for a very limited duration – it shouldn’t last a second longer than it needs to.” The former Australian Army officer said lawmakers’ decisions needed to be scrutinised. “The New Zealand model here is quite interesting, they’ve set up a bipartisan select committee that will meet weekly to track, scrutinise and comment on the government’s approach to this crisis,” he said. “Not to frustrate what the government’s doing but to make sure that we’ve got that safety check on what are quite extraordinary and far-reaching powers.”

from National | Daily Telegraph


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