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Texas Boy Receives Magnifying Glass For Christmas, Proceeds to Accidentally Burn Front Yard

A boy’s magnifying glass Christmas present led to a burnt lawn in McKinney, Texas, on December 25. After twelve-year-old Cayden received a magnifying glass as a gift, he and his two brothers rushed outside to see if they could light paper on fire in the family’s driveway — and ended up catching the lawn as well. “Everything was under control until the boys came running into the house telling us that a corner of the lawn was on fire and the Christmas lights were melting!” wrote the boys’ mother, Nissa-Lynn Parson, on Facebook. “Justin and I rushed outside to see the entire front lawn turning black! We grabbed buckets, Justin turned the sprinklers on, and I grabbed blankets to smother and trap it – before it could spread any more into the neighbors yard! What a sight to see – a bunch of people running around crazy trying to put a front lawn fire out while wearing matching Christmas jammies!” Credit: Nissa-Lynn Parson via Storyful

from National | Daily Telegraph


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