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‘We are paying more for our own gas than our Asian friends’: Centre Alliance

Centre Alliance wants the Morrison government to consider ways to lower gas prices, as tax talks continue. When the Finance Minister held talks with Senator Rex Patrick in Perth on Tuesday, Mr Patrick said the the discussion was centred around lowering domestic gas prices. 'In South Australia we have very very high power prices, which are set by the gas prices, and we are paying more for gas than our Asian friends who are using our gas, it doesn't make sense,' he says. Meanwhile, when it comes to the Coalition's tax cut plan, Senator Patrick says the government is listening to the crossbench. The crossbench remains in play with Labor, so far withholding support for the $158 billion tax cut plan. The Financial Review reports the opposition isn't ruling out sticking to its pre-election policy of repealing the stage three tax cuts due to start in 2024.

from National | Daily Telegraph


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