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Voters didn’t blame those caught in dual-citizenship ‘crisis’: Downer

July 29, 2018. Liberal candidate Georgina Downer, in Adelaide, speaks after her loss in the Mayo by-election. Ms Downer says the Super Saturday by-elections presented a challenge for the government to win the seats and she found "no-one really in the community, I found, blamed those who were caught up in the Section 44 crisis for what had occurred and that was quite clear in the polling booths yesterday”. She adds, “there was a bit of a sense out that well, Rebekha Sharkie, Justine Keay, Susan Lamb and the others should probably see out their terms”. Labor won four of the five by-elections on Saturday in Longman, Braddon, Perth and Fremantle, with Ms Sharkie regaining the South Australian seat of Mayo. (AAP Video/Kathryn Bermingham)

from National | Daily Telegraph


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